Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just a little deeper.

Well, the day is almost up as well as Christmas break. The kids and hubby all go to their respective places tomorrow while the house and I will see a little less action. Actually, only three of the kids will go back tomorrow the younger three will be home. JG is 16 months, JB is 2 years (he goes on Wednesday) and AG is 6 (she is sick).
I am choosing to keep my children's names private for quite a few reasons. First, I don't want anyone to gain information due to their names. Second not all of my children are biological. A few have birth fathers whom we have not built trust with as of yet. So for my family's safety, they, as well as our last name, will remain privy to those who know and love us. I am excited, though, for you to get to know each member of our family in time.
Our children are EB 13yr boy, EG 12yr girl, AB 9yr boy, AG 6yr girl, JB 2yr boy and JG 16m girl. The first two as well as the last one are biological. My other 3 we adopted after being their foster parents. My youngest has Down Syndrome and has been our biggest surprise. For parents who thought that two children would be enough, God has definitely filled our cups to overflowing.
Along with our children, our lives are filled with caseworkers, therapists, doctors, nurses, social workers, birth families, adoptive families, school, and church and we wouldn't have it any other way. One day, I will tell you how each child came to be in our family. Only one was planned by us, the rest were on the Lord's timing. What a wonderful life God has planned for us.

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